I couldn't confirm my e-mail
If you do not receive an email from the ICAP/ANA Patterns automated system to confirm your email address, here are some common problems based on our experience. Please check that these do not apply to your case before contacting us. Surely, we are happy to help if these are not the cause of not being able to logon to the ICAP/ANA Patterns website:
- A new user must fill out the registration form AND confirm his/her email. You must access the ICAP/ANA Patterns automated email and confirm your account before login is granted.
- In some settings, emails from "unknown senders" are blocked by your email service provider. Please add the ICAP/ANA Patterns “email address – ICAP@anapatterns.org” to allow the ICAP/ANA Patterns email to be received.”
- The ICAP/ANA Patterns automated email confirmation may be diverted as a spam and go to your or your organization’s junk mail folder. If that is the case, you need to access the email from that folder.
- The ICAP/ANA Patterns automated email is not received because your email address provided was entered incorrectly.
- Your email server is down or experiencing technical problems. e.g. you are not receiving other emails.
- The ICAP/ANA Patterns email server is down or experiencing technical problems.
For any other login problem, please send details to echan@ufl.edu
Please note that the ICAP@ANApatterns.org is designed for automation and is not routinely monitored.